Modern Entertainment

As something of a storyteller, the idea of so much radical change in the way that entertainment – especially stories in various forms – is expressed over time is very interesting to me.  This is especially true when it comes to movies.  I grew up with the presentation of multiple perspectives, so it doesn’t seem at all strange to me, but thinking about how strange it might seem to someone from an earlier century who would never have experienced something like that is fascinating.  We don’t see it as strange, because it’s all we know.  But looking back at those older movies, the ones without different angles or changes in shots , it makes sense that movies nowadays should be much less believable – they present points of view that no person would ever realistically be able to have.  At the same time, they feel much more real to us, much more emotional and engaging, and I think that it’s due in a large part to how movies changed over time, allowing people to gradually become used to the idea of multiple perspectives.  It might have seemed strange to them at first, but once it’s something that you’re used to, I think it offers much more in the way of creative freedom.  Over time, people have had to make massive adjustments to the way that they perceive information as its delivery and methods of consumption have changed, and I think that this is likely another byproduct of that.  Once people got used to they new, dynamic view of more modern movies, it no longer registered as unrealistic because I don’t think that the point was ever to make it seem like you were really there.  Movies, to me, have always been more about observation and experience than actually trying to put yourself into whatever the situation might be.  In that sense, I think that the idea of multiple perspectives opened up a new world for movie makers and allowed them to explore emotion and creativity in ways that otherwise never would have been possible.  People know that they aren’t really supposed to feel like they’re there, so they can suspend their disbelief and enjoy the faster-paced thrill of a dynamic setting.  More than anything, I think that these changes evolved as a way for the people behind movies to increase their options as far as how they tell stories – once you break away from the limits of what would realistically be possible, it allows you to do just about anything that you want.  In modern movies, that feeling of endless possibility is a more important quality than truly believing the scene.

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